Poin: A=5, B=0,
4. Matahari terbenam mana yang paling Anda sukai?
Matahari terbenam yang paling disukai?
Poin: A=3, B=2, C=4, D=1,
5. Pilih warna biru!
Pilih warna biru!
Poin: A=2, B=4, C=3, D=5, E=1
6. Warna mana yang pertama kali Anda lihat?
Warna mana yang pertama kali dilihat?
Poin: A=1, B=4, C=5, D=3, E=2
7. Pilih salah satu warna cat air!
Pilih salah satu
Poin: A=2, B=4, C=5, D=1, E=6, F=3
8. Warna mana yang paling terang?
Warna apa yang paling terang?
Poin: A=4, B=2, C=1, D=5, E=3
Sekarang, jumlahkan semua poin Anda dan lihat hasilnya berikuti.
7-12 poin:
Berusia di bawah 20 tahun, Anda adalah remaja yang riang terlepas dari usia kronologis Anda saat ini.
13-20 poin:
Berusia 20-29 tahun, Anda aktif, kreatif, tapi Anda sudah bisa menyebut diri sebagai orang dewasa.
21-28 poin:
Berusia 30-39 tahun, Anda masih aktif dan penasaran dengan hal-hal baru, tapi sudah bertanggung jawab dan bijaksana.
29-35 poin:
Berusia 40-49 tahun, dewasa dan berpengalaman, orang-orang ini tahu bagaimana cara menjalani hidup mereka.
36-40 poin:
Berusia lebih dari 50 tahun, Anda adalah orang bijak dan tenang yang mengenal hidup dan menghargai kenyamanan.
Jadi berapa usia mental Anda dan apa hasilnya?
Sumber intisari.grid.id
Artikel Tambahan
Tourism Malaysia has launched a new domestic travel campaign called ‘Cuti-Cuti 1Malaysia Dekat Je’ on 17 June 2015 to encourage more Malaysians to travel to nearby places in the country for their next weekend getaway. The unmistakably Malaysian use of colloquial phrase ‘dekat je’, which loosely translates as ‘nearby only’/ ‘so close’/ ‘so near’ aims to remind Malaysians that the next exciting holiday destination is actually just right on their doorstep, and that travelling helps to foster closer relationships with families and friends. Choices for the next local holiday are endless and meet all types of budgets. It can be a simple staycation in the city, a quick getaway at the next town, a gastronomic journey across several states, or living it up in lush rainforest resorts.
This newly campaign of ‘Cuti-Cuti 1Malaysia Dekat Je’ or briefly known as ‘CC1M Dekat Je’ is the brand enhancement of ‘Cuti-Cuti 1Malaysia’ campaign, which was initiated in 2009 to encourage Malaysians to prioritize local holiday destinations and to travel during off-peak seasons. This campaign also aimed to generate greater exposure for local tourism products and to strengthen alliances between the main players in the industry.
With the introduction of ‘CC1M Dekat Je’, besides promoting national integration within various ethnic communities, it is hoped that with greater focus placed on domestic overnight leisure market, the length of stay and expenditure will increase to help further expand the national economic development. With vast publicity and increased awareness on the new potentially developed local tourists attractions and activities as well as variety of holiday options, Malaysians will be greatly driven to travel and plan their holidays within the country.
Fancy a weekend getaway on the best Malaysian islands? Hungry for Penang laksa but wondering what else is there to eat? Do you know where to stay in Kuala Lumpur suitable for a family with young children? Or just wanna go anyway and enjoy a nice break in Malaysia? Jom!
Our travel experts, bloggers and local guest writers put their heads together to share tips on enjoying cuti-cuti Malaysia. Where to go, what to do, where to stay, itineraries, cafes, makan places, and some low-key local gems to check out. We know you like beaches, adventure and cheap weekend getaways with the family so we’ll do our best to inspire you on exactly the stuff you like on holiday!
Source www.tourism.gov.my